Sunday, December 5, 2010

Seek truth

- Capote convinced Perry Smith to share the gruesome details of the murders and the motives behind them. In order to do this he developed an unprofessional relationship with him. He became attached to Perry but he also wanted him dead.

-Because of this truman told Perry and Dick that he would help them get another appeal and find a new lawyer, although he had no intention of doing so. To an outsider it seemed that Truman was upset about the upcoming executions but the real cause of his grief was that until the murderers were executed his book would have no ending, as seen in this next clip.

Minimize Harm

- When Perry and Dick were first sentenced to death after their initial trial, Truman fought to keep them alive in order to get the story out of them. He had them moved to a different prison and got them a new lawyer who was able to get them an appeal. While they waited in holding for their next trial Truman interviewed them. He was able to bribe the warden and get unlimited visitation rights to Dick and Perry.
-this clip shows the unprofessional relationship between perry and truman. Truman became overly attached to his source and therefore compromised the integrity of his story. Although the movie showed capote attending the hangings and remaining calm, truthfully capote could not bear to watch Perry's death.

We found most of the information provided in the movie to be truthful however there were a few key elements that were misleading. the special features of the movie led viewers to believe that after the hangings capote became so overwhelmed with grief that he never fully recovered and never published another book. further research showed that this was a dramatization most likely used to enhance the emotion of the film. we were able to find that capote published many more works and later died of alcoholism.

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's a hard knock life

We met for a billion hours in the library today. We wrote part of the dialogue for voice overs, and Landon ripped the clips that we want. Ripping is hard.

Some more clips we can use

- baby food clip
- clip when perry finds out book name
- clip at Harper Lee's party. capote says the trials are delaying the ending to his book

Also, somehow we need to work in the theories.

Plan: come back sunday re-energized.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Notes from our meeting

- Dick and Perry committed the crime for selfish reasons: they wanted money from the Clutter family

- Capote was selfish and contributed to the deaths of Perry and Dick because he wanted a good ending for his book

- Ethics:
1. Seek truth and report it
2. Minimize harm
3. Act independently
4. Be accountable

-by keeping perry and dick alive, Truman was able to manipulate and exploit them. While they were in prison they had very little outside information coming in, so Capote could tell them anything he wanted. It wasn't until he held a very public book reading that Perry had any idea what was going on. Once Perry heard the title of the book he become very upset with Capote and realized that he had been betrayed.

Meeting Friday! at 2 in the library


Ladies of the comic strippers! great meeting yesterday with the boss Dr. Cooper. I feel like we got a lot of good stuff to help us along with our project. we should be able to dominate this project now that we have more direction.
lets meet up in the library today at 1:30 and tear the roof down on this project. javascript:void(0)

Monday, November 29, 2010


Sooo I have been doing more research for our project lately and these are a few of the URL's i didn't want to lose track of. I think we can get a lot of good information from these sites when we meet tomorrow.

There are a lot of great picture on those sites from the murders that we could potentially use as well.

Also, I spent some time going through the movie and picking out the clips that i think we could include in out presentation. I thought that most  important scenes that we needed to show were:
1. Introducing Trueman, just showing his personality etc.
we can find all of that from 3:08 until 4:52

2. We need to introduce the criminals to help give background to the case Trueman is looking into an writing about. I thought that the movie presented this in a good way right from the start so i think we should just start where they did at 27:17 until 31:44.

3. We should also show the details of the crime. The interview in the jail does a good job of this at 1:19:40 until 1:28:00.

4. Lastly I think it might be good to show the hanging. This is at 1:39:26 until 1:46:48.

Just let me know what you guys think or if there was any other clips that you thought would be important to add in. I have the movie but I will bring it with me tomorrow in case you guys need to use it at all.

See you both tomorrow at 4:50 for our meeting with Dr. Cooper. Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!

<3 Annie

Monday, November 15, 2010


Happy Birthday to Kate!! 

Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!


So we met the other night to watch Capote. Great movie!

Tomorrow we have time to meet during class, let's plan on meeting in the library.
good work everyone!